Teacher access for past report cards of students they currently teach

Until recently, if access was given through Report Card Builder to teachers each year, they had the ability to view past report cards of students they currently teach. This access was one of the main reasons we went paperless with student files over three years ago. That access no longer exists and I was informed by support that it was never supposed to work that way. The only way now to give them the access is to allow ALL teachers to see ALL student report cards. That is not something our division heads will allow. The advisor role gives access to past, current, and even future report cards. We need teachers that are not the advisors to be able to have this same access. I've thought of a work around but it's an enormous amount of work for access that has always existed until now. 

  • Susan Ott
  • Jan 23 2018
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    23 Jan, 2018 07:38pm


    In the teacher's roster, then choose a child's profile, then on the Progress tab they can select grade and pull down to previous year and see that student's prior year's report card.  Is this what you are looking for?  
    Or do you want the teacher to be able to access their PAST students?
  • +1