Save filter settings when in Approval > Course Requests

When in onRecord > Approval > Course Requests at the current time I am interested in "awaiting requests" but my default appears to "awaiting approval." I need to change the filters to "awaiting requests" each time I enter the system. It seems as if I should be able to save the default I am using at the moment.

  • Leslie Fundakowski
  • Mar 13 2018
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    25 Apr, 2018 07:45pm

    I didn't find this before entering my idea.  But they are very similar.  Provide the ability to save the settings we use most often in the Approve Course Requests and Recommendations.  Patty Boman

  • Jennifer Martin commented
    14 Apr, 2018 03:37pm

    I vote YES for this also. The number of requests is accurate in the "Courses - Online Requests - Per Student" report, so we have to go to this page when trying to get an accurate count per student. We always have to turn off "awaiting approval" in order to get the information we need. Thank you for looking into this option.