Academic Performance Report to see students failing multiple classes.

We put students on probation who are failing three or more courses.  It would be helpful to have the Academic Performance task that will allow you to put in the criteria of a specific number of course below a specific grade. 

  • Cristina Conciatori
  • Mar 23 2018
  • Aug 22, 2023

    Admin response

    The Blackbaud Student Information System team is looking for your input! We would love to learn about how your school works with students that may be considered At Risk. We are focused on learning how you identify these students, track them, and manage next steps. If you or a colleague are interested in speaking with us, please use the link below to learn more and schedule a time with me and my team.

    At Risk Student Discovery

    Thank you so much!
    Senior Product Manager, Student Information System

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  • Guest commented
    August 30, 2023 15:07

    I agree with Austin Pidgeon's comments. It would be great for students and teachers to see a "flag" that their grade has fallen into the D or F category. Even if the system cannot send out an email, it would alert the teacher and the student to the issue.

  • Austin Pidgeon commented
    August 24, 2023 04:40

    What would be specifically helpful for us: One school policy of ours is that at any point a student falls to a D or F in any class, teachers are required to contact parent(s)/guardian(s), student, and counselor/advisor to notify them of such. This does not always happen, partly maybe due to simple forgetfulness on a teacher's part, but mostly because it is not always clear when a student falls below that threshold, and parent(s)/guardian(s) are advised not to check student grades daily, so weeks may go by before we collectively have an opportunity to intervene and redirect. Thus, it would be incredibly helpful for us to have some type of alert or red flag system in place such that, if at any point a student's grade in any class falls below that threshold, an automatic notification is sent out to all stakeholders: teacher, student, parent(s)/guardian(s), and any administrator our school deems important to be looped in (ie, Assistant Principal for Academics, or Dean of Student Support Services). This would create automated and transparent communication with all stakeholders to ensure students are not falling behind, parent(s)/guardian(s) are not left unaware, and teachers and support staff have the opportunity to intervene at the earliest sign of concern. The single biggest academic struggle our students report is falling behind (which they often self-report as a natural consequence of procrastination, or poor time management, or the like) so we are constantly looking for ways to meet the need as soon as it arises. Some type of internal red flag or automated notification system would go a very long way in addressing this and supporting our teachers in their care of not just students of theirs who are struggling, but all of their students.