Ability to hand select students to pull info from in a list

Currently, you can pull lists based on set filters, however, we need a way to pull data on select groups of students that fall outside of the filters. For example, I want to create mailing labels for students in all of my AP classes. It would be helpful if when I run a list of all students, there was a check box next to each student's name in the list that you could hand select students and then just export those students' information. 

  • Amy Calhoun
  • Apr 18 2018
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Veronica Zermani commented
      October 27, 2023 16:25

      This would be extremely helpful. I need to print transcripts for a random group of students (not tied to each other by grade, course, or anything else). Powerschool lets you "hand select" students and do various functions with this hand selected group. I don't want to have to create groups or classes, enroll these students, and then delete the group each time I need to do something like this.

    • Morgan Kunze commented
      June 23, 2023 00:20

      Please please please. This checkbox function exists in EMS (although it's not tied to an export) - I cannot understand why it's not available in LMS/SIS. In EMS we use it for communication but the ability to export just the selected rows would be a game changer across multiple functions.

    • Guest commented
      November 04, 2021 20:12

      Please create a column where you are able to check a box next to constituent to create a list of just the checked. Thank you.

    • Terri Rodriguez commented
      June 10, 2020 16:38

      Amy, your list is good, but why does a teacher or any staff member need to create a query in order to get a simple list of student / parent information? This is a huge flaw in the Blackbaud SIS.

    • Guest commented
      May 09, 2018 14:41

      AMY CALHOUN, not sure my file posted correctly so trying again.

    • Guest commented
      May 09, 2018 14:37

      I think this is what you are asking.  I've created a list or ROSTER from which I can create mail labels for just my AP students.  My list may have more info than what you want to accomplish your goal b/c I like to see parent(mom&dad) info listed, but basically I've filtered for students in any of my AP courses. My list shows teacher name, course name, students in that course. My list also contains parent information flattened on one line (I like to see mom & dad info so I have it set to filter ROLE = parent, female for mom; male for dad).  For output options, I've chosen mail labels to print based on the student. I can print labels for individual student or household (parents).  I've attached how I built my list ... 

    • Jenny Campbell commented
      May 09, 2018 14:23

      I need this for nurse office, too! Sometimes I need to select a large group of kids with specific parameters that I want to send a letter to and there isn't away to include their address so that I can run a mail merge to print labels.

    • Jackie Nichols commented
      May 07, 2018 13:30


    • Lisa Saunders commented
      May 07, 2018 12:25

      This would be fantastic - I am always getting custom requests for random sets of kids.

    • Guest commented
      April 19, 2018 17:17

      THis would apply to all "sub cateagories" such as grade > then grade number (5, 8, 4K, etc) so that you don't get  all the students or all the parents and have to sort to drill down to what you need.

    • Susan Bradley commented
      April 18, 2018 14:43

      Definitely need this