Under General Information for students, Enrollment date and graduation/departure date should be included

As HS Registrar, I receive frequent requests for Education verification.  In order to obtain enrollment date, I need to drive to Core > Users/Access > Profile > Edit User Profile Data > Student Enrollment.  Per my conversation with a BB representative, at this time, it isn't possible to add enrollment and graduation dates directly to the contact card without the use of a custom field. Even still, this field would not update automatically so a member of your staff would need to manually enter it in when the student is enrolled. 

I think it would be most helpful to have this information populated as part of the standard fields within the Contact Card.

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  • Jun 5 2018
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  • Anita Pinkerton commented
    21 Oct, 2021 03:43pm

    Yes please! We have most of our info for licensing inspections in Enrollment Management. Having to dig into Core to produce the Enroll Date is cumbersome and time consuming, and the auditing staff has commented on this.

  • Kathleen Peak commented
    10 Aug, 2020 12:10pm

    This would be super helpful to all administrative staff. We get multiple requests every year for this data to displayed easily on a student contact card. Teachers and staff like to know how long a child has been a student at our school.