Allow editing of Learning Profile Forms Setup after entering students

You should be able to edit the Learning Profile Form even after you have added Learning Profiles to students.

Right now you have to delete all of your Learning Profiles to be able to edit the form.

  • Guest
  • Jun 6 2018
  • Implemented
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Michael Morrissette commented
    22 Oct, 2024 03:02pm

    Hi Folks -

    With today's release, it is now possible to edit more fields when working in Learning Profile Templates. For example, you can now edit things like the field label, the field sort order, which fields are required, the format example, and you can add additional fields to the template. Due to data integrity reasons, deleting fields once in use or changing the table that the field uses once in use will continue to be locked down.

    Likewise, Learning Profile Managers can now edit individual student Learning Profiles without having to inactivate and copy to make desired changes.

    If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at


  • Guest commented
    2 Apr, 2020 09:40pm

    YES! PLEASE! Editing would be ideal, but I would take cloning as a 2nd option. But, PLEASE!

  • John Rorke commented
    24 Jan, 2020 09:29pm

    We cannot even copy it to a new form and then edit.  Only option is to completely start over from scratch.  

  • Katherine Vittum commented
    10 Sep, 2019 04:36pm

    Would it be possible to easily copy (duplicate) a template and make changes to the next iteration? Also, please add some documentation on Learning Profiles to the Knowledgebase, there are a few "articles" about specific questions, but no "documentation" about all the options when setting up, viewing, etc.

  • Erin Aiston commented
    21 Aug, 2019 06:20pm

    I totally agree!  We really need to make this one happen ASAP.

  • Stephanie Hammond commented
    6 Jun, 2019 03:42pm

    This is essential functionality that would enable us to correct typos or add and delete additional fields without having to build a whole new Learning Profile form. It's ridiculous that this basic functionality is not possible.

  • Justin Medved commented
    29 Jan, 2019 04:16pm

    This is a MUST! - It can take hours to set one of these up and if you make one mistake after deployment you have to redo all the work. PLEASE address this issue.