I would like a report or function that clearly identifies students with unresolved conflicts in their schedule as of that moment. The conflict matrix can identify potential conflicts, but I am looking for a list of students who have a scheduling conflict with their schedule as of that point in time.
I ran into a problem when I moved a single section language class to resolve a different conflict. Even though I looked at each student's schedule, I missed the fact that language class, which was moved to block 1, really conflicted with a science class that ran in the block 1 plus 2F. The science block takes one day of block 2 for extended time. Because the block names are different, the normal visual of seeing two classes stacked in a block column wasn't there. Because I moved the language class via onCampus, the student was enrolled in both classes despite the conflict. When I ran the report that was supposed to show student conflicts, no students were listed in the report.
I mentioned this in two separate calls to the helpdesk and neither person could offer me a good alternative. It was agreed that the best way to find these kind of conflicts was to look at each student and try to catch such issues. That did not work so well as I thought I had done that and only discovered the error when I printed a list created to display the student, course, term and block as a report. Seeing two blocks for a single student with the number 1 in it was my clue there was a problem.
Alternatively, there are come conflicts that we allow to stand as the teachers of those classes have agreed to work with the student around the time conflict. It would be nice to clearly see those instances as well. In particular, an art class in block 2 that conflicts with the science class in 1 plus 2F can be an issue for a student wanting both of those single section courses. The teachers have agreed to work together to permit the student to take both courses despite the conflict. But even that conflict did not show up on the report to display conflicts.
I have worked with 2 other scheduling software systems and they both clearly identify students in conflict - either in a student report or in a summary of the classes, indicating that one is not "fully" enrolled. I prefer the list of students with conflicts, personally.
Thank you!