Fulfillment matrix should have active links to students

If I am trying to see who did not get a class, I can see that in the fulfillment matrix. However, to make a change, I have to go back to edit student enrollments screen. It would be helpful if I could just click the student name within the matrix and make changes as opposed to going out, making a change and then going back in to look at additional students. 

  • Amy Calhoun
  • Jun 27 2018
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    • Jen Brakeman commented
      June 29, 2023 15:21

      Yes! Working from two different screens is time consuming and error-prone, especially when the fulfillment matrix doesn't automatically update after managing a students' enrollment.

      This is also a problem when using the viewing the master schedule. It would be SO useful to have a link to directly access a student's enrollments screen.

    • Peggy Lehman commented
      July 02, 2021 15:14

      ScheduLogic has that ability, but the service is expensive and it isn't pretty importing and exporting. It would certainly be a nice feature in Schedule Maker.