Clear identification of schedule conflicts

I am having trouble finding a way to clearly identify existing schedule conflicts in Schedule Maker.  Potential conflicts do not always translate into actual conflicts and the conflicts report did not report on the known conflicts we have allowed to stand (to be worked out between the teachers and the student).

I have several suggestions.

1.  As a quick visual, when looking at a student in Schedule Maker through the Student Enrollment, one can see the section or class in which a student is enrolled by the green box in the specified block.  The box is green regardless of a conflict or not.  It merely indicates enrollment.  Yet, when you remove them from that section (or unenroll them entirely), you can see if there is conflict by the orange circle with a line through it.  The system knows it is a conflict even if the student is enrolled.  It would be nice to see that box as orange, identifying a conflict in a very quick, visual way, so it can be handily addressed.

This problem has occurred when I have had to move the block in which a class is scheduled and it created a conflict that did not exist in the original scheduling pass.  Depending upon the complexity of the block structure, it is easier to see at times than others.  The color change would be a great visual cue.

2.  A concise report that would list any student with a defined conflict that also identified the classes in conflict would be amazing.  Our Middle School schedule is outrageously complex to schedule with a great number of blocks for the 4 MS grades.  To be able to get a quick visual in Student Enrollment to identify conflicts is impossible in the current system.  Suggestion #1 would be helpful, but a report that clearly identifies students with conflicts would be fantastic.

3. When there is a conflict, the current report, Student Schedule - By Day Name (Grid), does not display a row for one of the classes that is in conflict.  It would be helpful to include the row in conflict as a double check and to help the student clearly identify where she/he needs to be.  We have (in the Middle School, of course) a class that runs during the Office Hours in a common time.  The Office Hours scheduled display on the grid (as an Activity) but not the Latin class that is scheduled as an Academic class at the same time.  Both do appear online for the student, but our Middle Schoolers tend use the paper schedule more than the online schedule.

These suggestions would make scheduling much easier in Schedule Maker.

Thank you.

  • Guest
  • Aug 1 2018
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    • john ronan commented
      March 14, 2019 20:53

      But this information really belongs on the schedulemaker student schedule page.  It is onerous to have to consult a list to validate every schedule manipulation.

    • Guest commented
      August 10, 2018 13:12

      As an addendum, the report, Students with Schedule Conflicts, is working.  When I was working on the schedule several months ago, it was not displaying conflicts properly.  I have recently discovered that it is an accurate representation of the conflicts.  Yeah!  


      I still think suggestions 1 and 3 are worthwhile, though.

