Parent/Child relationships differentiating between parent and grandparent

Even with an advanced list, the system can not exclude grandparents from parent/child relationship based off the student. This includes using ordinals and short description filters.

  • Meghan Carr
  • Aug 1 2018
  • Attach files
  • Candace Chesler commented
    4 Jan, 2019 04:51pm

    I use ordinals - and add a filter of "Parent/Child Relationship.List as Parent = True on my advanced list to get students and parents on one line. The problem is - if the Grandparent record in CORE has a creation date before the record for the parents - the Grandparent has a higher ordinal relationship than the parents do. As we get more cousins who enroll - I have had to modify my Advanced List to include SIX parental relationships for students because the first four return blanks (four Grandparents who have been in CORE longer than the two new parents) 

  • Guest commented
    6 Aug, 2018 05:31pm

    Please differentiate ALL relationships that have parental access, such as guardian or consultant. Enable a way to exclude relationships with parental access from lists.