Rooms should have schedules like teachers and classes do

We can look up a section's schedule on a calendar grid, and we can look up teachers' and students' schedules on a calendar grid, but there is no provision to look up a room's schedule in this way. In fact, besides the free rooms by block or meeting time reoports and the room utilzation matrix (which can only be run by division), there is no way to tell what a room's schedule is for the entire academic cycle. Given the many calendaring options out there (esp. Google Calendar), there has to be a way to aggregate all of the divisions - Lower, Middle, Upper; adademic, activity, advisory and athletic - into one calendar for each room.

An added bonus, bordering on necessity, would be for the calendar events scheduled in a particular room to show up on this same schedule.

  • Bryan Hogan
  • Aug 8 2018
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    • Erin Caprielian commented
      September 03, 2024 16:33

      Almost 200 votes... hopefully this is in the queue for implementation soon!

    • Maria Haering commented
      August 10, 2022 16:24

      Amen. Teachers like to be able to post a printed copy of their room schedule by their doors. It is also useful when reviewing schedules for anything we may have missed.

    • Guest commented
      August 19, 2021 21:46

      This would be extremely useful for us. We post a room schedule outside each room so that people know what classes are happening in the room, if it is free, and the number of students in each class (so that Facilities can make sure there are enough desks). In the past we have done this via ClassA, but it would be great if we did not have to take the time to enter information into ClassA that is already in SIS.

    • dionne kane commented
      January 08, 2020 16:43

      We're just in the final stages of implementation and I'm not sure how people are even functioning without this feature. As a small K-12 school, we add things to rooms (for special events, tutoring, etc.) almost every day and there seems to be no reasonable way to view when a room is free prior to scheduling a one-off event. The Report feature separates the different sections of the school and doesn't seem to include any items entered via the Event Calendar. Of course the academic schedule, event calendar and event the athletic events are all using the same spaces/rooms. Ideally we would be able to view the room events on a calendar grid.

    • Joshua Blice commented
      December 27, 2019 18:35

      Currently, I export the schedules for certain classes and then import them as events on room calendars (setup for public spaces such as Library, Gym, etc.). This is annoying if we change the schedule for the day or something with the class changes. It would be nice to link a section/course to a built room calendar. 

    • Claire Broadway commented
      April 30, 2019 17:14

      This would be a huge improvement for us. In our previous system, we would print a room schedule at the start of the school year so that if a classroom teacher was going to have any other teachers using their room for activities, clubs or classes, they would know who and when and could plan accordingly. Its also just helpful for scheduling purposes.

    • Gregg commented
      March 01, 2019 18:00

      It would be awesome to be able to search for and bring up the schedule for a room in the same manner as the "find me now" widget in Academics (on record).  Using the various room reports is cumbersome and inefficient.

    • Rick Geyer commented
      January 14, 2019 13:35

      Rooms should also have phone numbers that are accessible by role (faculty, non-teaching staff, etc). 

    • Petra Hall commented
      October 31, 2018 13:42

      We have several different organizational units in our building. We don't use On as our main scheduler mainly because of this issue.

    • Guest commented
      August 23, 2018 21:18

      Could the "Set section info" list be given sky lists features? That would do the trick for us.

    • Austin Ewachiw commented
      August 13, 2018 01:33

      I see this as a critical feature too!  We use ClassA by Longhouse, and room usage and availability information is indispensable.  As a result, we need to install the ClassA software on many different computers so various folks can check the status of a room.  For support alone, we need to see when a room or lecture hall might be free during the academic day to repair a projector or complete an urgent request.

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