Ability to have Canadian Public Health Number section in Medical
We need specific fields for Canadian Public Health Number. In Canada everyone has a provincial health care number under Canada’s public universal healthcare program. This is different from private medical insurance (which people from Canada can also have.)
Although we could potentially add it as a custom field, we feel this is a number that should be attached to medical (not the general contact card) and should be a mandatory field.
Health Card expiry dates would be needed as well. Helpful to make sure all information is up to date.
We have used 2 visible custom fields, card number and expiry date. However, expiry date (yyyy/mm) is hard to use as a filter in a list when it is a text field. It is useful to have it up front on the contact card and easily visible in case of emergency.
When students travel on school-related trips, we must have all their provincial health card information with us. it's more important than private health plan information as it's required by doctor's offices and hospitals if the student requires treatment.