Create the ability to change course recommendations to course requests in Bulk.

Please create the ability to change course recommendations in to course requests in Bulk, instead of having to make the change one student at a time. We have the teachers make course recommendations for the students, but we do not have students log into OnCampus to change those course recommendations into course requests. We do not give the student role the ability to view or edit Online sign up tasks, because we do not want the students to go online and change the recommendations into requests. Since Schedule Maker does not work with course recommendations, I have to go one student at a time and change the course recommendations in to approved course requests. (I go to Academics> Scheduling> Requests&Schedules> Overview Tab> under Course Requests section clicking on "Students without enough requests"> then in the list of students clicking on the edit pencil for each student individually and change the course recommendations into course requests & approve them) It would be great if there was a way to change all of the course recommendations into course requests for all students at once. Thank you.

  • Ed Hilliard
  • Apr 16 2019
  • Attach files
  • Linda Lutes commented
    November 20, 2019 19:43

    Hi, this may help you, Ed ... Academics>Scheduling>Request & Schedules>Overview in the box Course Requests  click on students waiting approval adn there is the Approve all button.