Allow Course to be Scheduled in Multiple Types of Rooms/ Add "Any" Option

Currently, you must define a type of room on the schedule tab of a course. Curiously, there is no option for "Any." Most classes have very specific needs for which room they are scheduled in. Others, such a study halls, do not. I would love a more global option for classes such as this, since rooms can only be categorized by one type.

To go along with this, it would be nice to be able to define more than one room type. If I knew I had low utilization in my Language Arts rooms and my Social Studies rooms, I would like to be able to list BOTH room types as options to consider when scheduling.

  • Rick Geyer
  • Jun 15 2019
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    • Erin Caprielian commented
      April 05, 2024 00:09

      Agreed! For example, our art class must meet in the room that has pottery equipment, but during times when it's not being used for art, other classes (for instance, a Spanish class) should also have that room as an option when running the master scheduler since that class could also easily meet in that space.

    • Guest commented
      June 13, 2023 12:09

      Yes, I need more flexibility