Allow test scores to be non-numeric (such as a letter)

We have multiple tests in our primary school where the result/score is NOT a number. It could be a Letter for reading level or a range. It would be a huge benefit to be able to import and store our test scores into the SIS.

  • Tracy Dodge
  • Jul 26 2019
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    January 09, 2024 16:15

    Allow test scores to be non-numeric (such as a letter)

    We have multiple tests in our primary school where the result/score is NOT a number. It could be a Letter for reading level or a range. It would be a huge benefit to be able to import and store our test scores into the SIS.

  • Ed Hilliard commented
    February 16, 2023 13:22

    Hi this would be very beneficial for many reasons. If we could put letters into the Tests section by either just typing a capital i or capital e into the score field or even letting us set up a grade translation so that 204 = capital e and 206 = capital i. There are many letters that we would want to display so giving us the ability to put any letter, multiple letters, and even a combination of letters and numbers would be extremely helpful. For example in NY State those students who did not take a NY State Regents Exam due to the pandemic are suppose to show a capital e "E" for exempt. This is a NY State requirement! We might also want to show capital i "I" for incomplete, capital p "P" for Passing, capital f "F" for Failing, capital m "m" for medical. Thank you for your help!