Allow a blank where no credits were given

Some of our courses are required but do not earn a numerical "credit".  It would be nice if the credits column would be blank instead of showing a 0.00 in the credits column.

  • Guest
  • Aug 13 2019
  • Dec 7, 2023

    Admin response

    Hi all,

    For courses that are in progress so the student has not been awarded yet, what would you want/expect to show in the Credits column?

    Thank you!
    Jacqueline Koca
    Product Manager - SIS

  • Attach files
  • Karen Kuser commented
    7 Dec, 2023 04:38pm

    Blank space not 0.0 credits for in progress and for courses that don't carry a credit value.

  • Jane Gallardo commented
    2 Oct, 2019 11:30pm

    Allowing a blank space, rather than showing 0.0, under Credits Earned on our transcripts is extremely important. We have many blocks that are one semester long; so with the current situation, our transcripts are covered in 0.0 credits where there should be blank spaces. It has a negative effect visually, and makes interpreting the transcript more difficult. Thanks!!