A list of every time the attendance manager uses the record attendance button to record attendance for a student or group of students with the date&time stamp it was done AND AN UNDO BUTTON. This would be very helpful if the attendance manager makes a mistake when entering the attendance for a student or a group. For example if it is the end of the day 3pm on 9/30/19, and you are entering the prerecorded attendance for the Track team who will be gone for the entire next day 10/1/19. If you use Academics> Attendance>Student Attendance>click on the record absence button and fill in the mini window with the 28 students on the track team, the reason for the absence, the time 7:30am-3:00pm, and make a mistake and put 9/30/2019 for the date instead of the correct date of 10/1/2019 and you click save&close. That mistake of putting the wrong date just over wrote all of the attendance for those 28 students that was already entered for them on 9/30/2019. Now you have no idea if any of those 28 students were absent, late to school, or maybe left school early, since now it shows that they are at a track tournament all day on 9/30/2019 which is incorrect. There needs to be an undo button so that we can go to the list of every recorded absence made by the attendance manager find the one that was just done for the 28 students on the track team and hit the undo button which would restore all the attendance for those 28 students that was already entered on 9/30/19. This is a major concern especially when entering whole grades at a time such as a 10th grade field trip and putting todays date instead of tomorrow's date. Thank you for your help!