New grade calculation method, allowing use of assignment types for organization but not for grade calculation

We would like to propose a fourth calculation method for gradebooks.


We would like each assignment, regardless of max points, to count the same relative to others--and then use factor to weigh each assignment relative to others. This is exactly how percentage works, but only within each assignment type.

In other words, lets say I want my tests to count 4x relative to homework and my quizzes to count 2x relative to homework, I would put each assignment in the gradebook and set factor to 4 for tests, 2 for quizzes, 1 for homework, etc. Total points would work for this, assuming that max points is the same for every assignment. Percentage would work for this, assuming that every assignment is set to the same assignment type.

So what we would like is a calculation method, like percentage, that, assuming factor is 1, weighs each assignment the same relative to others, regardless of max points--BUT STILL ALLOWS THEM TO USE ASSIGNMENT TYPES. Essentially, the assignment types would then be simply for organization but will have no bearing on grade weighting. So essentially, we are looking for total points with each assignment adjusted to be of equal max points prior to grade calculation.


  • Guest
  • Dec 15 2019
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  • Jen Brakeman commented
    March 07, 2022 01:22

    This would be useful