Go back to the old "Edit Student Enrollment" format

The changes in the editing module are terrible.  It is tremendously more complicated to manage a student's schedule changes with the new setup.  This is really important with scheduling for next year already underway.

  • Guest
  • Jan 13 2020
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  • Danielle Keeney commented
    July 12, 2022 18:50

    Since all marking periods show in the manage, the headers don't lock/freeze which makes it very hard to see block names when you scroll downward.

    The ability to see the alternates is good, but it is difficult to add a class that isn't already a course request for the student. The Find Section button shows the content but not within the same screen for you to see it all together. If clicking the button showed it inline on the same page (and with locked/fixed headers showing the block), it would have the cleaner experience for the majority and still be flexible enough for the nuances of scheduling.