Bulletin board and topics rollover from one year to the next so teachers do not have to recreate their class pages every year.

Teachers spend countless hours trying to build their class pages (bulletin boards, topics, etc.). It would be helpful if the content for their classes could stay with the class from year to year instead of them having to rebuild everything. Our teachers typically teach the same classes every year.

  • Guest
  • Mar 12 2020
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  • Stanley Golanka commented
    13 Sep, 2022 05:25pm

    Yes! This should apply to virtually all settings (most recently we had issues with Grade book access and teachers' ability to edit attendance. We have kept the same settings for years, but have to re-set them each year.

  • Guest commented
    10 Sep, 2020 07:13pm

    I am begging you to keep bulletin boards. I am sick over having lost YEARS of material I had on a club bulletin board page. PLEASE make this change.