Simplify the appearance of the Schedule by Day Name-Grid report for students

If, for a student, a class starts at 11 AM on Day 1, and ends at 11:50, while on Day 2, a class starts at 11 AM and ends at 11:30, it would be preferable for the grid report to show this information in the following way:

1) A horizontal grid line at 11 AM, as the start of both Day 1 and Day 2 classes.

2) A horizontal Grid line at 11:30, only on Day 2,showing the end of the Day 2 class.

3) A horizontal grid line at 11:50, only on Day 1, showing the end of the Day 1 class.

We had this schedule grid report format in EE by dividing the bell schedule into time increments so that each increment represented either the start time or the stop time of any possible class meeting.

  • Cecilia Kwilos
  • Mar 16 2020
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