Make it easier for students to identify when they have a course conflict.

When a student has a conflict, we intentionally schedule him in BOTH courses so that he can see what his conflicted courses are. Unfortunately, when the student views his schedule through My Day, there's nothing to clearly denote a scheduling conflict other than the start times of the classes (and boys don't pay that close attention to the details!).

In Education Edge, when I printed a student's schedule, conflicts were visible on the PDF (conflicted course appeared in italics). Yet in Academics, when I print a student grid schedule, only one of the conflicted courses appears and there is no record of a conflict or what the conflicted course is.

We would like to see conflicted classes appear in either bold, italics, or a different colour on the My Day schedule or, when printing a PDF of the Student Schedule by Day Name Grid (Landscape), have BOTH conflicted courses appear on the layout.

  • Shirley Wagar
  • May 15 2020
  • Attach files