Images from School Forms should appear when printing completed form

We have an issue when there is an image in a school form that after it has been completed and a parent wants to print a copy of the form the image is removed. We have an image of an important table in a particular form that is critical to appear even when printed. Seems like a basic request.

  • Audra Harris
  • Jun 8 2020
  • Attach files
  • Claudia Gonzalez commented
    May 10, 2023 23:17

    We use school forms for admission math demos and add images for graphs and such. Although candidates can see the images while competing the demo form, faculty who need to review the demos cannot see the referenced graphs/images when reviewing the submitted forms.

  • Jessica Smith commented
    December 10, 2020 16:07

    We have forms that require staff signatures and rather than have a staff member print the forms and taken to the right people for signatures, we added the images. That they do not print on the forms defeats the purpose.

  • Jessica Smith commented
    December 10, 2020 15:52

    You have the option to have images on the form but no where do you advise users the image will not appear on a PDF form. That is a glaring oversight.