Alert & A Way to Filter when a parent uploads a file to the Medical Forms.

This is great, but what we are finding is there isn't a way to see when a file is uploaded unless you go into 1000 student records and pull down the carot to see if they uploaded a form in the medical form :((. We need some type of alert and also a way to filter for the uploads added by parents. Thank you in advance.

  • josceline reardon
  • Jul 28 2020
  • Attach files
  • Amanda Polson commented
    10 Mar, 2023 07:41pm

    Yes this is very necessary. If the upload is, for instance, for treatment of an allergy it cannot be a required part of the form (not every child has the allergy), but it is vital that we are alerted to the upload's presence!

  • Sarah Bienvenue commented
    30 Jul, 2020 05:33pm

    Hi Josceline, if you make the upload required, you'll know that a parent has uploaded a form when they submit the medical form. There is a notification to let you know when that forms has been submitted. We don't have notifications for within the form actions.

