Using Day and Block to create special Schedules

When creating special schedules we use Day 1 Period 1, Day 1 Period 2, Day 2 Period 1, and so forth. When creating special schedules now you are only allowed to tell it the block that would meet. I would like to be able to tell it the day as well because I have classes that only meet on Day 1 or Day 4. Not every class uses every block in the cycle so what happens when you create a special schedule by block is you get multiple classes running in the same block. For example PE runs two days and Health runs two days in the same block and time when I create a special schedule and they all run because they meet in that block. It should let you specify exactly what day and block you want running not just the block. It's a special schedule for a reason. You are just changing the time when something is running.

  • Angela Kunz
  • Sep 5 2020
  • Attach files
  • R Ward commented
    11 Nov, 2021 11:09pm

    Yes, we also have classes that share the same block on different days. You should be able to have the special days just change the time and not the cycle day as well. Currently, any time we have an early dismissal day, we have to change the times manually. This is really time consuming and prone to errors (like forgetting to change the AM/PM and end with classes late night or very early morning).

  • Guest commented
    6 Oct, 2020 01:39pm

    This seems like such an obvious need and am not sure why it is not already part of the system. How do other schools with courses like labs or PE that do not occur every day solve this issue?