Display Attendance by term on Report Cards

Break up the absences totals on a report card to be per term and not just the yearly total.

A family wants an early report card that shows the total absences from the first trimester, but it is showing the total (up to date) number of absences for the year. If we could make it show the absences per term this would be great.
  • Deleted User
  • Aug 7 2015
  • Implemented
  • Oct 10, 2018

    Admin response

    This has been implemented in our new report card builder with the September release.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    20 Oct, 2022 04:20pm

    We are set-up on semester blocks, however we run Qtr 1 and Qtr 3 report cards. We need the ability to run the attendance and grades at the end of Qtr 1. For example Qtr 1 ends on Oct 14th, but we do not publish report cards until Oct 24th. We need the attendance on the report card to reflect Oct 14th, not Oct 24th. we do not want is calculated another time later in the semester when the parent opens the report card another time.

  • Admin
    Jacqueline Koca commented
    12 Oct, 2022 04:01pm

    Hi Nancy!
    Regardless of where you are displaying attendance (with the Courses/Groups grid or as a separate section), when you select the column displaying the attendance totals, there is the ability to select which terms to include. For your Q1 report card, you'll want to make sure that the column is set to only include the Q1 term. If you have already done that and are still getting the full year total, please reach out to support so we can investigate further.

  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    30 Sep, 2022 01:43pm

    Please explain how this has been fixed? The old report cards show attendance for a specific term. The new report cards show attendance for all year. For example, if I pull last year's Q1 report card for a student today, it will show full year attendance.

  • Guest commented
    1 Oct, 2018 02:46pm

    Absolutely agree.  Need term and year to date both

  • Janet Griffin commented
    6 Jan, 2017 03:34pm

    Like in EE you had a column per term then a total column for absences and tardies and then only have the absences/tardies show for that particular term/terms that the grades are for. (don't have second terms absences show until the end of term, etc)