Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit K12OR-I-1432 Course Abbreviation Needs More than 10 Characters Allowed.

Extend the Length of the Transcript Abbreviation Field Merged

I would like the ability to have more characters in the transcript abbreviation field than is currently allowed. Right now there is a character limit of 5. It would be helpful to have more characters.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Oct 30 2015
  • Implemented
  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    13 Jun, 2018 01:17pm

    Yes please!

  • Austin Ewachiw commented
    7 Nov, 2016 11:42pm

    We would like this to be similar to "Alt Course Name" in EE. Our ON course names include course numbers, and our counselors want this stripped for transcripts. 

  • Guest commented
    13 Apr, 2016 06:03pm

    Yes, the field should be the maximum number of characters printable before the "wrap" begins.