Medical: Better documentation of 'Other' option for Allergies, Conditions, Medications, etc

When a parent needs to select an allergy, condition, medication, etc, we can add an 'Other' option to the dropdown, but there is not a way to follow up with any better documentation, other than to ask that they contact us.

From the Nurse's Office view, there is at least a 'Notes' field attached to Allergies and Conditions, but this isn't available on the Medical School Form for use to Require parents to fill out.

Please strongly consider adding better treatment of 'Other' in the nurse's office, perhaps giving it the same treatment that 'Schools' received in the Enrollment Management module.

  • Joe St.Clair
  • Jul 28 2021
  • Attach files
  • Betty Dowling commented
    19 Aug, 2021 03:38pm

    I strongly suggest that you add an other with the option to add an allergy/condition or medication. I could be the difference of a hospital visit or not.