Allow direct access to a student's schedule through "Find Me Now"

I'm suggesting that the "Find Me Now" module add a direct link to the current day's schedule for the student being searched for.

Currently, when you search for a student in the "Find Me Now" module, you only see his or her current obligations. If a student is in class, you can't see when they may be free or available at other times throughout the day without first going to a class, group or the directory to search for the student and then electing to see his or her schedule. This would completely eliminate the need to start a brand new search for a student's schedule if "Find Me Now" doesn't provide enough information initially.

  • Nick Poles
  • Nov 5 2015
  • Attach files
  • Ryan Matyjasik commented
    27 Jan, 2016 10:15pm

    I just noticed this is available in the "Nurse's Office"  It is a great implementation that is only available to a fraction of the users.  Please open it up to all Teachers and Non-teaching Staff. 

  • Ryan Matyjasik commented
    11 Nov, 2015 12:10am

    Agreed and already submitted.  Mods please merge this with this: