PLEASE make it *EASY* to see a grid-based version of a student's Schedule

Right now, the only way to see a student's schedule seems to be from the "Student schedule by day name (grid)".

This is a really kludgy way to look at something that should be trivial to see . Even having to impersonate is unreasonable.

MOREOVER, one cannot run this report on incoming students!!!

So I now , at main scheduling time, have no way to view an incoming student's schedule in grid format.

  • john ronan
  • Aug 13 2021
  • Attach files
  • Morgan Kunze commented
    June 22, 2023 23:25

    @Janice Bonczeck, I'll go look to see if you also posted your idea re: the extra blocks, but this is important - the grid view should suppress empty blocks.

    As of spring 2023, the udpated schedule view is fantastic onscreen - if they could find a way to render that exact view in a printable format it would solve so many problems!

  • Janice Bonczek commented
    October 11, 2021 04:09
    This would be helpful for us even though the grid isn't currently very helpful for us because we have so many blocks, due to having classes that meet only on certain days of our 6-day schedule. (ie: we have blocks A-J, but also A24 or C16). They all show on the grid, as separate blocks. I should make a new idea for this as well.