In Manage Student Enrollment, bring back Scheduling Error Option

We have a period of a few days at the start of the school year when a student can drop a course without having to formally withdraw. Without the "Error" option (which becomes unavailable as soon as a grade or an attendance entry is entered for the student who wants to drop the class), the class is Dropped, and will appear on transcripts along with officially Dropped classes, which should appear on the transcript.. The decision to eliminate the Error option once any grade or attendance entry is made has made this screen unusable for this situation.

  • Cecilia Kwilos
  • Oct 7 2021
  • Attach files
  • Jonathan Tepper commented
    19 Oct, 2022 01:07pm

    This is impacting our school as well. We need the option to have the student's course remove from the transcript but still have a record of attendance, etc. Error option removes everything, Drop keep activity but shows up in Dropped Courses in the Transcript. Frustrating.

  • Jen Brakeman commented
    24 Aug, 2022 12:34am

    The lack of the Error option after grades or attendance has been taken (which occurs during the add/drop period at the beginning of school) adds SOOOOO much extra work for the person who manages transcripts. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring this functionality back. I don't understand why it was ever taken away.