Ability for non-nurses to assign medical forms

Every school year, and when a new student is enrolled, we need to send medical forms out to parents. Currently you must be a nurse to assign the form however this is silly as there are many other roles that are better able to assign the form. I want to be clear, this isn't about looking at the actual data, just being able to assign the form to a parent and see if it has been completed. No medical data is shown to non-nurses, as it should be.

  • Stephen Alonso
  • Nov 9 2021
  • Attach files
  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    1 Mar, 2022 03:45pm

    This would be helpful for us as well. Our Nurses don't work during the summer. The administrative folks who do work over the summer should have the ability to add, delete, and view whether or not a form has been submitted.