Restrict Honors designation to be released at the same time as the Report Card

The Honors designation under Performance should be tied to the Report cards so the access to Honor Roll is restricted until Report Cards are available. In the attachment, the Test Student would already know that they got Honor Roll, even before they can see the Report Card.

  • Casey Walters
  • Jan 24 2022
  • Attach files
  • Nancy Kierstead commented
    28 Sep, 2022 07:14pm

    Agreed. This is a pain point for us. We release report cards on the weekend (Friday evenings or Saturday mornings). We can release report cards at a specific day and time, We need this for honors as well.

  • Guest commented
    16 Feb, 2022 03:12pm

    This option would be helpful. Currently, I run the honors designation right after I release the report cards which isn't the best way to do things.

  • Vicky Lopuchowycz commented
    15 Feb, 2022 01:08pm

    It would be very helpful to have it linked. Since we have 7 grade levels it is very time consuming to go in and publish and unpublish everything. Plus it is just terribly cumbersome the way it currently functions. It is in desperate need of upgrades, which I originally hoped would come with the Report Card builder updates.

  • Angela Kunz commented
    1 Feb, 2022 02:34pm

    Yes, It should be linked to the report card because our students see they are on before we publish and it reeks all kinds of havoc.

  • Guest commented
    24 Jan, 2022 05:06pm

    Information should be linked to the report card and viewed at the same time. Will there be a way for all quarters to be reflected on the report card or will it just reflect the most current?