Ability to Add a Transfer Transcript as an Attachment to Student/Academic Profiles and in Manage Grades

We would like the option of adding a transfer transcript as an attachment in a student's profile and to onRecord in the student's Academic Profile, and in Manage Grades as a View option.

OnRecord > Find Me Now > student name > Academic Profile > Transcripts  - We would like the Transfer Transcript that in a student's profile to also show in the academic profile in onRecord.

We would also like to have the Transfer transcript viewable in onRecord > Procedure > Manage Grades

We want certain users to be able to see transfer transcripts in onRecord and not have access to student profiles in Core.

  • Mike Lyons
  • Nov 16 2015
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    18 Aug, 2016 08:08pm

    We did this by adding in a Test field that says transfer transcript and then attaching it to the student.  Thus, our counselors can see this in onRecord.

    The problem is sometimes BB filtering might block this from being downloaded.  The more we use it thought, the less this happens.  It seems to be more of a web filtering problem.