Create an online system for students to build their own schedules

Currently, schools administrators input the schedules for students, or else they use the schedule maker feature. Both of these options indirectly involve the students.

Once the schedule has been created (courses offered, number of sections, class periods, etc.), it would be helpful if students could log on and select their courses for the following school year. They would be able to see what classes are offered during what class periods and register at will.

Ideally, there would also be an option for administrators to set a window of time for students to register for classes, for example 1-2 weeks per grade level. That way, Seniors would have first pick selecting elective courses, then Juniors would be opened up to select next, and so on.

Having this system would directly involve students in the course sign-up process and would help to eliminate the many individual meetings that students have with administrators to realign their schedules.

  • Guest
  • Feb 16 2022
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