Occasionally, while building a form we determine that some of the information should be in a separate section. If we have already created that block, it would be great to just drag it to the new section instead of having to delete it and then recreate the block in the new section.
Additionally, sometimes we want the Checkbox Lists to be alphabetized and other times we need the data to remain as entered. It would be nice to have the option to select alphabetize or leave as is.
I never got a response from Sarah to my question to her answer. Can someone point this out to me?
Also, the horizontal lines that can be used to separate sections currently show up on the published form above the (tiny) "Add new" link in sections such as Allergies on the medical form, which really makes them not helpful in separating the sections visually.
Sarah, I do not see a sort order option when I am in the Form Control Options editing box. I also do not see it outside of the options box. Where should I be looking?
Hi Kirstin, the sort order of the steps can be changed by accessing the sort order button at the top of the checklist.
Thank you,