Allow classes (or activities) that appear on schedule, but not progress page.

For our middle schoolers, we need a way to show student utility periods, recess blocks, lunches, etc. that appear on a student's (and parent's) schedule, but not on the progress page.

Attendance needs to be taken and a teacher needs to be assigned, but there's no reason that we need to update a student or parent on their lunch or library time progress -- this is cluttering the progress page and making it look like students have 20 teachers when they really just have 7.

We have tried adding these as classes without a grade plan group. We have tried adding them as activities. But in all cases, when we go to the access page, schedule and progress are tied together.

I confirmed this via chat help earlier today - progress and schedule are always tied together.

  • Sarah Shartzer
  • Jun 13 2022
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    • Rayna Moorcroft commented
      August 31, 2023 16:20

      100% agree with this idea. At a student's perspective it cutters up there group drop down section and progress page. There should be an extra column in the group page access to add for Schedule list only instead of the list only.

    • Melissa Battis commented
      June 22, 2022 01:49

      Until this happens, could you use activity groups instead of classes? I believe you can take attendance in anything in the schedule but it would at least sort those groups to the bottom of their Progress page.