Revisiting Student Enrolments Screen for Error and Dropped Courses

In Academics > Scheduling > Requests and Schedules > Student Enrolments

needs to be revisited.

  1. Make ability to Error a course easier:

A garbage can would appear as an option once you remove a student's course. The garbage can would then remove the course completely from the student's record. - it was very efficient and easy, also safe too because it was a two step process. Now, the only way that I can find with registrar folks, is to mark a course as an Error. But now you can only mark the course as an Error (to completely remove it from the student's record) if you manually delete the attendance and mark data before hand. This is turning into a pain for admin and seems silly. I can remove a contract easier.

2. When Dropping a course, do not keep it displayed on the Student Enrollment screen

When someone in the Student Enrolment screen drops a student's course, the enrolment screen needs to be clear too. Once a course has been dropped, the course looks like it is an unfulfilled request. It is not unfulfilled, the registrar dropped the course for the student. In my opinion, dropped courses shouldn't be listed on that screen (if it is listed, it needs to be clearly marked as a dropped course).

  • Jonathan Tepper
  • Nov 8 2022
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