Accommodations on Contact Card

This addition, while a great idea "missed the mark", "falls short", "doesn't cut the mustard", "just a bit outside" Why is there not a question about a 504 or Accommodation Plan? You have literally titled the section Accommodations and only include a question about an IEP and ELL. I don't know if you realize just how many unexpected plans arrive over the summer or how many parents aren't exactly forthcoming about existing accommodations/evaluations.

I was super excited to use this field to be able to show administration just how many incoming freshman have some type of accommodation in place and be able to pull the data for our accommodation coordinator, social workers and LEA that handles IEPs.

Please don't let this idea sit in the abyss of good ideas that never get voted on and add an Accommodation Plan question

  • Lee Matteson
  • Jul 18 2023
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