When adding a new block to a schedule, the default should NOT be that every course can be scheduled into it. We decided to rethink how we do some extended periods with a new block and "add extra meeting." It works great, but when we created the block it was default checked as an option for EVERY course and GMS put classes into those blocks. When adding new blocks it should either NOT be on be default, or there should be a modal, or there shouldbe some method of "apply to all" to change what blocks are connected to.
I just looked for my original post and it isn't there anymore. It must have aged off after a couple of years.
Agreed! I suggested this a while ago, but it never got traction. We have changed our bell schedule and I effectively have to edit every course to remove the new blocks that only pertain to a handful of courses but were applied by default to all 197 offerings. It is not a good use of my time.