Ability to use OR filtering in Medical Worklists

Right now, when you add multiple filters to a worklist, they are added as AND filters.  Would like a way to add filters with an OR operator

  • Guest
  • Jan 5 2016
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  • Julie Farr commented
    18 Apr, 2017 05:53pm

    There is a similar/same request somewhere (very hard to find things things) but totally agree. We need a way to see any/all students who have any allergy/condition

  • Guest commented
    5 Jan, 2016 07:19pm

    Right now when you run a report to see which student have allergies, medical conditions, and medications the filters will only show those students who have all 3 so you would have to run 3 different reports to get all of the information. It would be nice to be able to choose those who have any of the 3 (alergy, medical, medication) and put them all on 1 list.