Allow for displaying nickname only on embedded Course Roster Report

The embedded report currently has student names in this format:

"{lastname}, {firstname} ({nickname}) {gradabbr}"

We need the option to customize this, mainly so we can use this format:
"{lastname}, {nickname|firstname} {gradabbr}"

Many children in our school go by a different name than their legal first name, and parents report that their kids are distressed when the "wrong" name is used for attendance, report cards, etc.

We've changed username formats from Core > Users > User Profile Settings > Username Formats (and updated report card name formats), but that doesn't affect Course Roster Reports, which are used by teachers and admin for their class lists. It becomes even more relevant for subs who only have the list to go by, not knowing the day-to-day name.

We can change the first name on contact cards, but we really need to retain these legal names for our records, as it relates to other databases, applications for government tuition assistance, etc.

  • Daniel
  • Jul 24 2024
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