Academic columns for Grade in new transcript builder needs to allow for more than one Grade plan grade/Grade plan to show.

Our school offers semester courses and full year courses. Both types of courses report a Year Average for the course. For semester courses that occur second semester, the Grade Plan Grade of "Yr Avg" falls in the Grade plan "Q4", just like a year long class. However, for the first semester classes, this Grade Plan Grade is in the Grade plan "Q2". We currently have one column on our transcript that shows the Yr Avg for a class, regardless of the length of the class. This does not seem possible with new builder.

In the old transcript builder we were able to select for both the Q2 and Q4 reported Year Averages to show in the same column. In the new transcript builder we have to display these in two separate columns since we can only display from one grade plan per column. We need to be able to select from more than one grade plan grade.

The current setup is confusing on our transcript since not all semester courses appear in the same column (only 1st semester) and it causes the transcript to look unclean since some years have a large blank space if a student does not take a semester course.

  • Nicole Scott
  • Oct 15 2024
  • Attach files