It would be very helpful if we could set a global default for gradebook grade access that teachers can then change individually as they see fit. As of right now, if you choose "Teacher Controlled" the default setting is that all the boxes are unchecked.
Our general policy is to allow students, parents and advisors to see marking period grades and assignment grades, but we want to allow teachers to have the option of altering those settings. With the current set-up our teachers have to remember to go into the gradebook for every class, every trimester, and check the correct boxes for access.
As a solution, we considered just applying the grade access settings globally and having teachers contact the grade book manger if they need to change them, but if you use "Set Access Globally," all classes during the given marking period must use the same access settings, we we have some courses that allow access and others that don't.
To recap, here are the ideas
For the "Teacher Controlled" option, have an option for the gradebook manager to set-up default grade access settings to avoid putting the burden on all teachers to change every class and marking period to our school's default.
If "Set Access. Globally" is selected, the gradebook manager should still be able to override individual classes to have unique settings from other classes.