We should be able to send out personalized emails to parents with links to their student's report card at the end of each reporting period

Despite receiving a push page email as a reminder that report cards are ready for viewing, parents still get side tracked with or struggle with the login process.  If we could send the parents a personalized email with a link to their student's report card at the end of each grading period that would simply the parents' process of viewing their child's report card.

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  • Jan 12 2016
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  • Kim Chait commented
    15 Nov, 2022 05:28pm

    The manual process we currently use is incredibly time consuming. Assessment reporting is becoming more common each year. It is surprising BB does not have a tool in place to pull lists for specific students and their assessment comments.

  • Kim Metrokotsas commented
    15 Nov, 2022 04:42pm

    Any way to further streamline this process would be appreciated!

  • Mary Ann Mullen commented
    15 Nov, 2022 02:57pm

    We would like an automatic pull list for students who receive an interim report with assessment comments so we can email only the parents that are receiving them. Right now, we are manually creating a list.

  • Kirstin McDonald commented
    23 Oct, 2020 10:05pm

    We would be happy with a way to email a PDF of the report to the parents as well.