Student Schedule - By Day Name (Grid) with Block

I would like the Report Student Schedule - By Day Name (Grid)​ to display the Block for Each Course. I also would like for it to look similar to another Scheduling Report for another system where you have the Days on the top (Monday, Tuesday etc) Block /Period on the Left Such as A, B, C or 0,1,2,3, Course Teacher and Time within the Grid for that Day/Block. Currently the Grid Report lists the Time on the left and the Days along the top with Course Name and Teacher Name in Grid. There is no Block displayed anywhere on this report.
I know there is another report titled: Student Schedule - By Day Name (this has all of the information I am looking for but not in the grid view requested)

  • Jamie Hardy
  • Feb 24 2016
  • Attach files
  • Angela Kunz commented
    25 Oct, 2024 04:48pm

    8 years and yet there is no report that will do this easily. You need to figure out your cycle period and then print it out then it prints Monday through Friday or the Dates for that period so you need to export it and then edit it so it has the appropriate cycle day.

  • Cristina Conciatori commented
    28 Jul, 2021 04:59pm

    5 years and still nothing....we desperately need this and I'm sure there are others who want it to, but don't know to vote.

  • Jen Brakeman commented
    3 Mar, 2021 07:49pm

    All of the problems I'm having with printing student and teacher schedules are coming from the lack of formatability that our previous Blackbaud product (Education Edge) had. Yes - times, room #s, teachers, and block should show up within the 1-page grid view of a student's printable schedule.

  • Courtney Dowdy commented
    15 Jul, 2016 04:57pm

    It would be lovely to add the block (time is good to keep with block-but the option to customize these options (with the ability to add locker and advisor as was available in EE) would be ideal. I would LOVE to have this in a July update so we can print schedules for students when school starts. The Grid format is easier for them to follow. 

  • Ana Meneses commented
    28 Jun, 2016 06:07pm

    We use a modified block schedule so the times on the left do not really help but the blocks would be ideal. Also when printing in the grid view the boxes do not expand so if the name of a course is long the room is truncated.