Pulling transcript actions in an advanced list

I would like to be able to pull transcript actions into a list so that I can easily find that information.

For example, onRecord > procedures - grading > manage grades >
Here if you view transcript actions for a student, I'd like these comments pulled into a list.

For us, it is more important for tracking alumni and students applying for scholarships and summer programs--those outside of the college application cycle. Ultimately, it is a management tool so we can more easily observe work flow and patterns, and assign resources more efficiently.

  • Deleted User
  • Aug 7 2015
  • Under consideration
  • Aug 9, 2018

    Admin response

    This is a very good idea and this is actually an area that is very underutilized that I think we can garner more support by adding these kinds of analytics.

    While this is not on the radar for development in the coming months, we do plan on coming back to the Grading feature within onRecord and it is during that time that we might be able to create more efficiencies when analyzing this data. 

  • Attach files
  • Ana Meneses commented
    14 Apr, 2023 07:54pm

    This idea was originally submitted in 2015 and the admin response was in 2018. Has there been any development in this area? I have just pulled 6 reports and multiple hours in combing through the transcript actions to produce actions entered this academic year for any student (current or past).