Add "User Regarding" to the merge fields on admin notifications of School Forms

My faculty, parents, and students LOVE using School Forms, but I have a couple of faculty members who have a difficult time with the admin notifications when the submissions are generated. Getting a notification at a certain person has submitted a form isn't sufficient as we have plenty of twins or parents with different last names than the children on the forms. This causes confusion for my trip sponsors when they are trying to keep current on the list of which students have completed the forms.


If the Administrative Notification would include the "User Regarding" field as an option, this issue would be resolved and we could get notification similar to our Contract notifications which include the student's name, regardless of which parent submitted the contract.

  • Jimmy Cudzilo
  • Mar 16 2016
  • Attach files
  • Jean Springs commented
    February 23, 2018 20:43

    Please expedite this fix.  With so many students who have different last names than their parents, this is a no-brainer.