There needs to be a notification of chronic attendance issues such as tardy to a class or absences. If you are in a school with several hundred students, it is impossible to manually check for chronic attendance issues. The system needs to have built in notifications. For example, Jane Smith has been late to science class three times. On the third time, the system automatically sends me an email stating that fact. Then I can address the issue with the student and the family.
Are there any updates on this feature?
This feature is long overdue. In this digital age, the parents would like to be notified of absences by email and text just like missing assignments. This would prompt them to log in to see additional detail.
This would be a very helpful feature!!!!
We need this functionality as well.
The system is now set up to alert us of the initial "tardy threshold." However, the problem now is that the administration is not alerted on Jane Smith's (to use Mark's example) fourth, fifth, sixth, etc tardy.
We really need this feature as well. This would be a hugely important product enhancement for us.
Yes, agreed. We are manually pulling the data into a spreadsheet and it's cumbersome and frankly a waste of time.
We also really need this feature. We are in a much smaller school and it is still cumbersome and unrealistic for us to scroll through students or generate a list every time we need to check attendance totals.