Ability to calculate a grade formula for all sections

We use a formula to calculate the final grade for a class. We do not want teachers to fill in the final grade, but rather use a calculation,so the grade manager  calculates that final grade using a formula that is run. This has to be done section by section. Could you create the ability to calculate for all sections at once?

  • Karie Anonymous
  • Apr 29 2016
  • Attach files
  • john ronan commented
    January 28, 2019 21:35

    Ooops!  meant for this to be a separate "idea"

  • john ronan commented
    January 28, 2019 21:35

    I am in grades management.  'Enter grades by student'.   It seems *very* inconvenient to have to leave this after entrering a grade and go somewhere else to calculate a calculated column.

    e.g. just entered Qtr2.  Want to Calculate Semester1  ....